Roles Vacant

For queries or to apply, please email

Communications Lead

Responsibilities of the Communications lead

  • Communicating with members
    • Communicating concerns from members to the committee
    • Making sure members know we’re still here!
    • Communicating messages through as many channels as possible: Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email, blog
  • Publicity
    • Creating promotional materials for conventions: stickers, business cards, flyers, posters, pull-up banners, etc.(production paid for by the convention)
    • Note: you are not responsible for booking/staffing tables at conventions
  • Style guide
    • Making sure different divisions (especially Communications!) follow the style guide and our visual aesthetic is coherent across channels
    • Making sure the convention publication style guide is developed in collaboration with Accessibility
  • Website
    • Making sure website is up to date
    • Liaising with Registration (James Shields) to keep registration form up to date, and liaising with rest of committee to ensure it meets their requirements 

It is envisaged that this person will:

  • Work closely with Accessibility and Inclusion (two different positions).
  • Appoint a team (web is already in place).