29 March to 1 April 2024
Telford International Centre
and Online
Meet the Guests

Jackie Burns

Genevieve Cogman

Michelle Sagara
(also writes as
Michelle West)

Tade Thompson

Elsa Sjunneson (virtual)

Dr. Srinarahari
We are committed to being as accessible a convention as possible. With that in mind, we have a few questions on our registration form about things that we can do to ensure you have full access to Levitation.
We are planning to have free mobility scooters, sponsored by Dublin 2019, and a quiet room available throughout Levitation. If there are other things that would make the convention more accessible for you that we haven’t listed, please do tell us in the “Other needs” box on our registration form or email us at access@eastercon2024.co.uk if you would like to discuss your needs.
Latest News
BSFA@Levitation Thursday Event
If you are arriving in Telford on Thursday (28th March), do come over to the Holiday Inn where the BSFA (British Science Fiction Association) are hosting an evening of readings…
Latest Travel Advice
Car Travel If you are planning to drive to Levitation 2024 you will be delighted to hear that none of the works that are currently taking place on the M54…
Eastercon Lite
If you’re a first timer, very busy or watching your finances you may feel that attending Eastercon for the whole weekend is just too much of a time and money…